Woocommerce Github

WooCommerce is developed and supported by Automattic, the creators of WordPress.com and Jetpack. We also have hundreds of independent contributors, and there’s always room for more. Head to the WooCommerce GitHub Repository to find out how you can pitch in. Set up the GitHub trigger, and make magic happen automatically in WooCommerce. Zapier's automation tools make it easy to connect GitHub and WooCommerce.

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We hold weekly developer office hours in the WooCommerce Community Slack. Join us every Wednesday at 14:00 UTC.

How to use these resources

The resources below are divided into different categories based on what you might use them for when developing with WooCommerce. Some resources are tools and libraries that streamline the development process. Others are written guides, examples, and documentation. Use the menu below to jump to a specific section.

How to get help

For development help, start with the WooCommerce Community Forum, to see if someone else has already asked the same question. You can also pose your question in the #developers channel of our Community Slack. If you’re not sure where to ask your question, you can always contact us, and our Happiness Engineers will be glad to point you in the right direction.

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Reference Docs

The resources below contain low-level documentation about features, libraries, extensions, and other pieces of WooCommerce architecture. Use them as a reference when building extensions or integrating with WooCommerce.

Core API

The WooCommerce Core API code reference contains information about packages and classes that make up WooCommerce’s core functionality.

Core Action and Filter Hooks

This contains an index of hooks found across all template files, functions, shortcodes, widgets, data stores, and core classes. You can use these hooks to extend the core WooCommerce platform by introducing custom behavior or modifying data that WooCommerce passes around.

Woocommerce github

The WooCommerce REST API lets you create, read, update, and delete WooCommerce data using HTTP requests, so you can integrate external applications with WooCommerce and build extensions that make use of asynchronous UI frameworks such as React.

WooCommerce Admin

This is a feature plugin for a modern JavaScript-driven admin experience within WooCommerce. It includes an extensible UI library of React components and other utilities for building modern user interfaces.

WooCommerce Blocks

WooCommerce Blocks give you the ability to integrate WooCommerce with Gutenberg. Use the documentation and resources here as a starting point for developing new block types for WooCommerce.

Productivity Tools

Use these resources to get a WooCommerce development environment up and running.


This is the command-line interface for WordPress. You can update plugins, configure multisite installations and much more, without using a web browser.


This command-line tool lets you easily set up a local WordPress environment for building and testing plugins and themes. It’s simple to install and requires no configuration.

Woocommerce Github

This is an ESLint plugin including configurations and custom rules for WooCommerce development.

Woocommerce Github

This is a reusable and extensible end-to-end testing environment for WooCommerce extensions. Additionally, it contains several files to serve as the base for a Docker container and Travis CI setup.

WordPress Scripts

Oovoo for mac 10.6 8 download. This is a collection of reusable scripts tailored for WordPress development.


Use these resources to help take some of the heavy lifting off of fetching and transforming data –– as well as creating UI elements.

API Clients

WooCommerce REST API — JavaScript

The official JavaScript library for working with the WooCommerce REST API.


This is a utility to make WordPress REST API requests. It’s a wrapper around window.fetch that includes support for nonces, middleware, and custom fetch handlers.



WooCommerce Components

This package includes a library of React components that can be used to create pages in the WooCommerce admin area.

WordPress Components

This packages includes a library of generic WordPress components that can be used for creating common UI elements shared between screens and features of the WordPress dashboard.


CSV Export

A set of functions to convert data into CSV values, and enable a browser download of the CSV data.


A collection of utilities to display and work with currency values.


Utilities for managing the WooCommerce Admin data store.


A collection of utilities to display and work with date values.


A collection of navigation-related functions for handling query parameter objects, serializing query parameters, updating query parameters, and triggering path changes.


A collection of utilities to properly localize numerical values in WooCommerce.


Use these high-level resources to guide you through common scenarios when developing with WooCommerce.

Building Extensions

A high-level overview of the modern WooCommerce environment and how new tools and features fit into the broader user experience.

WooCommerce Extension Developer Guide

Want to create an extension for WooCommerce? This guide will walk you through everything you need to do.

Building and Customizing Stores

Getting Started with WooCommerce

If you’re brand new to WooCommerce, read this guide to set up a basic store and where you can learn the ins and outs of how WooCommerce works.

Customizing WooCommerce Best Practices

Flexibility is one of the greatest benefits to using WooCommerce to sell online. Use this guide to learn some best practices to follow when making site tweaks.

Building Themes

WooCommerce Theme Developer Handbook

There are a few different ways you can build a theme that is specifically tailored to support WooCommerce (and not just WordPress). Use this guide as a starting point for theme development and integration.

Selling Extensions and Themes

WooCommerce Marketplace Guides

These guides provide important guidelines, including technical requirements, user experience, and support best practices for developing products you want to sell on WooCommerce.com.


Woocommerce Github Free

We’ve been there and solved that. These resources are a great starting point for resolving common challenges.


Snippets Archives

This is an archive of code samples that help you solve common problems when developing with WooCommerce.

Shortcodes Included with WooCommerce

While WooCommerce Blocks are now the easiest and most flexible way to display your products on posts and pages, WooCommerce still comes with several shortcodes to insert content.

Example Sites

WooCommerce Showcase

These are real WooCommerce stores, submitted by their makers, with an overview of each site that lists the extensions it uses.

WooCommerce Theme Demos

This interactive tool lets you preview different WooCommerce themes live. Demos include a breakdown of the extensions that are currently active in them.

Community Resources

Use these links to connect with other developers and discover external resources within the WooCommerce ecosystem.

GitHub Repositories

WooCommerce on GitHub

This is the official WooCommerce organization on GitHub. Here you’ll find the majority of development work that happens on open source projects that the WooCommerce team maintains.

Automattic on GitHub

Woocommerce Api

This is the official Automattic organization on GitHub. It is where you’ll find the majority of development work that happens on open source projects that the Automattic team maintains.

Woocommerce Webhooks

WordPress on GitHub

This is the official WordPress organization on GitHub –– a go-to source for the development work that happens on open source projects that the WordPress community maintains. Libreoffice os.

Ecosystem Resources

WordPress Developer Resources

All the resources you need for developing with WordPress. If you’re not familiar with the WordPress development ecosystem, this is a great place to start.

Woocommerce Api Reference

WooCommerce Community Slack

Join our community on Slack. We hold regular sessions where we share information and field questions, but you can also connect with other developers to share challenges and ask questions.

WooCommerce Community Forum

Use this forum to ask questions about WooCommerce. Our WooCommerce Happiness Engineers frequent this forum to answer questions, but there is also a wealth of knowledge that has been captured in these threads over the years.

WooCommerce on Reddit

Visit the WooCommerce subreddit to ask questions and share tips with other developers.

Github Repository


Develop with WooCommerce, the most customizable eCommerce platform.

WooCommerce installs some custom tables to store its data during install. More about tables installed: https://github.com/woocommerce/woocommerce/wiki/Database-Description

Tables can be removed when uninstalling WooCommerce, not during deactivation. This doesn’t happen automatically. To delete the WooCommerce tables from the database entirely, follow the instructions at Uninstalling WooCommerce.

Woocommerce Github Api

Note: When defining a WordPress SQL table prefix, make sure it’s less than 20 characters. Otherwise WooCommerce is unable to create all tables properly. This could lead to the following issue.

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