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- Phpstorm 2016 Download
- Phpstorm 2016.1
- Phpstorm 2016 License Server
- Phpstorm 2016.3
- Phpstorm 2016.2 License Server
PHP Inspections | Bug | WI-34355 | Create parameter: works incorrectly for variables in use statement for closures |
Bug | WI-34273 | Remote PHPCS and PHPMD don't work | |
Bug | WI-34285 | Usage in annotations is not detected (PHP Annotation plugin) | |
PHP Refactoring | Bug | WI-30435 | Introduce variable suggests 'this' as a variable name |
Bug | WI-34226 | Extract variable: Exclude superglobals from variable name suggestion | |
Bug | WI-27829 | Pull members up suggests to move member to 'object' class | |
PHP lang | Feature | WI-32531 | Support Square bracket syntax for array destructuring assignment in PHP 7.1 |
Bug | WI-34134 | getExtendsList must not return null | |
PHP templates | Bug | WI-34248 | Blade: parameter info is not shown in PHP tags |
PS specific | Bug | WI-34109 | Can't open the link in the 'PHP interpreter is not configured' popup |
Plugin: Command line | Bug | WI-33182 | Can't add ZFTool as a command line tool |
Plugin: Deployment _ FTP.. | Bug | WI-34264 | Create New Project from Existing Source doesn't work for a new server |
Bug | WI-34349 | Can't rename deployment configurations if they're not default | |
openapi | Feature | WI-34301 | [OpenAPI, FR] add PhpLoop interface (While, ForeachStatement, For, DoWhile) |
Feature | WI-34300 | [OpenAPI, FR]: add PhpEval visitor | |
Php Intentions | Usability | WI-34347 | PHPDoc for variable has the wrong example |
No subsystem | Bug | IDEA-164734 | Update screen is too big |
Editor. Editing Text | Bug | IDEA-164345 | IDEA strips trailing spaces even in the line under caret |
Bug | IDEA-164094 | Horizontal scrolling with SHIFT key is no longer working | |
XML | Bug | IDEA-164679 | Intellij IDEA 2016.2/3 ignores <xsd:sequence> validation |
No subsystem | Exception | WEB-24362 | JSON Schema: NullPointerException is thrown on saving changes in the schema in use. |
Dart | Cosmetics | WEB-24558 | Dart, not Dark (typo in New Project screen) |
JavaScript. Inspections | Bug | WEB-24491 | Code analysis throws ClassCastException exception for Flowtype |
Bug | WEB-24615 | Wrong JSHint error highlight for JavaScript | |
Node.js | Bug | WEB-24200 | Can't use yarn installed using brew |
PhpStorm 2016.2.2 is now available for download! It addresses the issues with scrolling on macOS Sierra and other bug-fixes. You can find a full list of issues in the release notes. If you are already using PhpStorm 2016.2.1, you will get a notification about available patch-update soon. PHPStorm 10 license key server. Not a member of Pastebin yet? Sign Up, it unlocks.
Phpstorm 2016 Download
NewsPhpStorm 2016.1, the next major release of our professional PHP IDE, is now available for download!
Phpstorm 2016.1
This is the first update in the series of releases planned for 2016, as indicated by the new version numbering. Along with new features, bugfixes and usability improvements, in this release we made a special focus on long-awaited improvements in support of PHP language, and development tools.
Read all about the new features and improvements on the PhpStorm website.
Here are some notable highlights of PhpStorm 2016.1:
Phpstorm 2016 License Server
PHP Language & Editing Experience: A number of serious and long-awaited improvements have been made in the PHP language support , such as improved type inference, completion, support of traits, and more. PhpStorm now also fully supports group use statements, offers the “Make Static” refactoring and provides some new handy intentions such as “Convert switch to if” and “Convert if to switch” or “Flip if/else branches”.
New Debugging Experience: We’ve made the Zero-Configuration Debugging mode easier to discover for new users. Also, now you can debug RESTful Web Services right from a REST Client using the “XDebug for REST Client” feature.
Frameworks and Tools: PhpStorm now provides the Keep-Alive feature for SFTP/FTP/FTPS servers and Remote Interpreters, which you have heavily demanded for the last six years! Project-level interpreters, support for of Rerun failed tests for PHPUnit/Behat, and some usability improvements for Remote Interpreters are also available.
Please see our issue tracker for the full list of PHP-related issues fixed and release notes.
As usual, this update brings important improvements for working with top-notch web technologies, such as:
- Improved Angular 2 support
- Better TypeScript support
- New features in the JavaScript debugger
PhpStorm 2016.1 also borrows many features and improvements from IntelliJ Platform, including:
- Right-to-left languages support
- Speed search (in “”Show Usages” and “Terminal”)
- JSON schema
- Support for Docker Machine
- Version Control and Database tools improvements
For more details please see What’s New in PhpStorm 2016.1 and download a free 30-day PhpStorm trial for your operating system.
PhpStorm 2016.1 is available as a free update for everyone who has a active subscription for PhpStorm or All Products!
Phpstorm 2016.3
Phpstorm 2016.2 License Server
The JetBrains Team
The Drive to Develop
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